Girl Undetected

This story is about a once undetected girl and her magnificent journey of Self discovery – Connectivity at its Best!

Once Upon a Time there was a brilliant little girl who went through many years of her life undetected.  She had this radiant smile and an abundance of energy.  She was always on the go even when she was ‘meant’ to stay put.  Looking from the outside, she had the comforts of a loving family and life.  On the inside of her person, she was missing a great deal of wonderment.

Her childhood friends enjoyed her for being straight forward, honest and funny.  Her puzzlement was living with the family she birthed into that didn’t appreciate these aspects of her.  They considered her loud and a story teller.  And no matter how hard she tried, her family and their friends would not accept her for who she was and born to Be like. For her own resolve she became the goofy girl as a way of bringing in happiness.

Like most little girls, she became a teenager and experienced different forms of separation, reasons to disconnect; at 12 years old she found out that her dad was a drunk and then she got hit by a transit bus; during Junior High her parents got divorced and then was told that her mom didn’t have time for her, by her mom.  Her world started spinning like a Merry-go-round at high speed, creating a vortex of chaos and confusion. This is when the wild ride truly started for this young lady.

The survival technique this teenage girl took on was to check out of her heart and check in to rebellion.  Years past and the rebellion-ism dictated her outcomes.  And because she was an innocent her actions tore her up inside. Life kept going and crazy incidences continued to find their way into this girl’s experience.

As the norm, this teenager turned into a young adult, adult, employee, wife, mother, ex-wife and business owner.  Even though she had become an adult, was responsible for lots of everyday events, her life experiences didn’t change.  She just wasn’t quick enough to miss all the blows, crashes, heartaches and hurts incurred by being lost in her own tornado of confusion.  She simply wasn’t able to get out of her own way.

Scavenger Hunt: The one thing that hadn’t come to this girl’s awareness yet was that these life experiences were leading her to the Greatness of her Self.

One of the beauties of this joy seeking girl was that she never gave up and kept believing there was a reason or two for these many ‘happenstances’.  She went within more and started receiving clarities that connected some dots to her life picture.

And this was the beginning of a trust that would bridge her back to following her heart.  Her personal magic mirror was coming clearer and Life doors were cracking open to who and what she genuinely was, with specks of hope shining through.

Because of these years of Self discovery several parts of this Human Being emerged.  By being taught to live unconsciously, a plethora of desire to participate in Life consciously came forward.  The abundance of oxymoronic teachings and the results that occurred through them, awakened a Light of Eagerness inside her.  Playfulness became her motto which replaced the ‘needing to control and trying to figure it all out’ stance.  She’s ignited into Being a vessel of giving and receiving the magnificence of who-she-really-is and what Life is truly FOR.

She calls IT straight – Enjoys the Energies to the Max – and Embraces her Greatness

Wrapping up this Once Upon a Time story:  This young not-so-happy girl turned into a Playful smiling woman, simply because she was born into a messy situation.  From day one, this undetected little girl was being asked to find her way back home to her heart and to the Magnificence of simply Being.


Disconnect from THEM energies and Plug In to Me-SELF!

Spread Fun, Love and Happiness!

Namaste! Nancy

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